This easy and delicious Vinegar Chicken with Crushed Olive Dressing dish is the perfect way to celebrate #NationalOliveDay. Add extra flavor with De Nigris White Wine Vinegar.

Ingredients for 1 Person

  • 2 lb. boneless chicken breasts
  • 1 tsp ground turmeric
  • 6 tbsp olive oil
  • Kosher salt and black pepper, to taste
  • ½ cup De Nigris White Wine Vinegar
  • 1 ½ cup castelvetrano olives, crushed and pitted
  • 2 gralic cloves, finely grated
  • 1 cup parsley, tender leaves and stems chopped
  • 2 tbsp water

For the recipe


Heat oven to 450° F. Place chicken on a rimmed baking sheet and toss with turmeric and 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil, and season with salt and pepper. Once seasoned, pour De Nigris White Wine Vinegar over and around the chicken and place in oven.

Bake chicken for 25 to 30 minutes (without flipping) or until cooked through.

While the chicken is baking, combine the olivesgarlicparsley, the remaining 4 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil and 2 tablespoons water in a small bowl; season with salt and pepper.

Once the chicken is cookedremove the baking sheet from the e oven and transfer chicken to a large serving platterleaving behind any of the juices and bits stuck to the pan.

Make sure the baking sheet is on a sturdy surface (the stovetop, a counter), then pour the olive mixture onto the sheetUsing a spatula or wooden spoongently scrape up all the remaining chicken in the sheetletting the olive mixture mingle with the juices from the chicken and get increasingly saucy. Pour olive dressing over the chicken and serve.